AYo Technology

Why don't you get on top of me... love & live like a design student.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

only 120 pages to go.

Only a sadist would assign 179 pages of reading. There's no other explanation. My history teacher assured us that the book was interesting, but seriously, nothing assigned for class is that interesting. And wednesday night is party night here at Denison. Was she out of her mind? She'll be lucky if half the class is not hungover come 10 o'clock.

Capone called to tell me he was making dinner. He's very proud of his new self sufficency. He repeated over and over, "You've got to come out here" and promised to cook for me when I do. (Him offering to do anything domestic for me is an INCREDIBLY big thing. He strikes me as a wee bit chauvinistic sometimes.) I told him about all of my reading and he demanded I hang up and get back to work. At times, I think he's more concerned with my grades than I am. Fortunately, in approximately 2.5 years, school will no longer be any kind of concern of mine. (I can't imagine being posessed with the desire to go to grad school. More school? Explain to me why again...?) Our conversation was a mere 3 and a half minutes but it does my heart good to hear his voice.

Wow. He was the only person I actually talked to today. I told you it was one of those days.

Anyway, back to the book.


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