AYo Technology

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Thursday, March 24, 2005

Nothing better than April in Rhode Island

Does anyone possibly have a couple bucks that they could lend me? A couple meaning 150 or so? I found plane tickets to Providence from Columbus for about that price. Please someone help me out. It's just one little weekend. Plllllleaaasssse. I girl needs to see her boy more often then once every eight months.

haha. Funny how I still refer to Capone as my ex-boyfriend. We may be too liberated for titles now but that is a little ridiculous.

Ummm. I swear I do have a life outside of him.

Spring Break was last week. It was a great week. It's always a great week when I get away from this joint. I spent some time with my best sister friend, Dawn and that is always enough to brighten up any day. She has some dazzlingly handsome friends. Whew.. If I was a different type of girl...lol.

I'm making a conscious effort to get out more. Unfortunately, "getting out" has alot of different meaning here at DU, My getting out expedition for today was going to B's room to hang out with her and Nikhar and Nikhar and I fell asleep on B's bed. Well, at least we were doing it together, right?

Had a brief chat with my daycare paramour B.J. I texted him and he called me and we talked for approximately 2.5 seconds. Oh well. I have to get around to telling him that I went back to my boyfriend, or does it really matter anymore? We haven't talked in ages, it seems.

I'm just working on getting back to the point where I am totally happy. I just need a little rest and then I'll be back on top. (Hopefully)


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