AYo Technology

Why don't you get on top of me... love & live like a design student.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Expect the unexpected that I was kind of expecting.

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.
5. Don't search around and look for the "coolest" book you can find. Do what's actually next to you.

"For them, the industrializing economy offered oppurtunities to explore sexuality outside of marriage, whether on city streets or in the seperate sphere of all male activity."

Intimate Matters: A History of Sexuality in America

I'm trapped in the airport. There's something hexed about this weekend...maybe this is a sign that I should not attempt to sneak around behind my parent's back ever again. I went to go see Capone. Which landed me at a grand total of three states traveled in one weekend. I started in Ohio, went to Rhode Island, spent the night in Massachusetts, went back to Rhode Island to spend another night there and came back to Ohio to finish off the weekend. I missed my ride back to campus by about 10 minutes so I'm back in another airport playing the waiting game. At least this time, the waiting game has a definite ending.

The weekend, though unpredictable and uncertain, was terrific. I missed Capone incredibly much. It was tremendous to be back in his arms. We did alot of talking. We did alot of waiting. We did alot of handholding. We did alot of watching the rain fall. We did alot of something I don't think is appropriate to tell you. I met his sister and her husband and her babies, Kaliah and J.C. Apparently, Capone is the only kid without any babies. His sister made sure to let me know that I shouldn't feel any pressure to finish off the line. She was great fun to talk to and a great cook. Her cooking was the first real food that I had had in a long time. We talked about Sil behind his back. She told me not to marry him until he was 30. (I'll be 26.) She gave me her number and invited me to come visit again this summer. I promised that I would keep in touch.

Capone is so crazy sometimes. We went through so much drama this weekend and for what? Vina, the older and wiser being that she is, should have planned this trip. On the way back to Rhode Island, she told himabout all the things he did wrong and what he should have done instead. He was "yeah, yeah"ing in the backseat with the babies while she and I laughed in the front. It was nice to get away and be part of a family again, even if it was for just one day.

I want to be with him. And even though it's painfully hard for him to come out and say, "I love you, Kerri" I know that he does and it just makes the words just that much more precious to hear. Especially when you're standing outside with the rain falling overhead and he puts his arms around you, kisses you once and says "You know I do." We ran, holding hands, around the side of the house to get out of the rain.

p.s. We offically have dubbed John Legend's Ordinary People as our song. Thank you, John. Thank you for representing for the ordinary people in their not-quite-ordinary relationships.