AYo Technology

Why don't you get on top of me... love & live like a design student.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Blast from the past today.

Geezy, as in "G Geezy, he's so sleazy" is back on my mind.

He's always been crazy and pretty free spirited but I have been particularly moved by everything that he has done as of late. I taught him some choreography at a party and he tried to hug me afterward and I deliberately denied him. Everybody was standing around watching the two of us look like drunk fools and I was slowly turned on by his movements mimicing mine. I was doing a scene in the play direction class of which he's a member today. His laughter is infectious and I could feel the heat of his eyes on me continuously. I don't know if he's thinking about me the way that I've gotten to thinking about him but I'm horrified that he's on my mind. He's not a trustworthy guy, I know that he is not deserving of my energy. But somehow, he remains to be somewhat attractive. Some how, I'm sitting here wishing that he would reach out to me tonight.

The spring dance concert is this weekend and then only two more weeks before I go home. Only two more weeks before I can wash him out of my mind. Again.


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