AYo Technology

Why don't you get on top of me... love & live like a design student.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Denison. Well, Boys @ Denison.

I'm back at school and for once, I can say I am fully enjoying college. Thank the Lord. Finally.

I'm not enjoying it enough to tear myself away from my journal and finish writing my paper though. I'll do that in just a second. Pinkie swear.

Ohio is freezing and I have more than enough oppurtunity to walk around in the brisk, Midwestern air. Too much oppurtunity, honestly. Who enjoys freezing their ass off? Not me, says the cat. I try to keep warm inside. I let my friend J keep me warm one night. It was odd. He's a good guy, an absolute doll, but not one I thought would be sharing my atmosphere so intimately.

I still miss Mr. Green Apron though. He gave me an excellent going away present and I want more. I want to go away and come back and go away again and again and again.

And since the only things I am concerned with at the present moment have penises, I feel I must mention that Capone called me last week and expressed his intentions of coming to the U.S. and coming to visit me. Ahh, a reunion of me and my first love in the very city in which we met. Taking it back to old days. Two grown people shoved in one twin x-long bed. Staying up insanely late for no reason except the fact that we can. Those were the good days. He said that he's going to surprise me and his brother independently confirmed that he is planning a trip to Ohio. I don't know how I feel about all this; I love the boy but a sista has got to move on.

Sigh. Maybe I'll update about non man related things soon. Or maybe I won't.