AYo Technology

Why don't you get on top of me... love & live like a design student.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Me So...

Fill in the word for yourself. trust your instincts. The first instinct is usually the right one.

Fortunately, my desire for Geezy was short-lived. That was a unique display of desperation. Don't get me wrong, the boy is sexy as a motha but I would probably have to talk to him in order to shag him. And the thought of wasting my oxygen on him doesn't make me especially happy.


I'm going home to Mr. Green Apron in a little more than a week! Yaaaaaaaaaay! Sexxxxxxxxx! Love....no, just sex.

Heh heh heh.

Should be writing a paper. Let me stop writing this.

Would really like to fornicate right now, though.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Blast from the past today.

Geezy, as in "G Geezy, he's so sleazy" is back on my mind.

He's always been crazy and pretty free spirited but I have been particularly moved by everything that he has done as of late. I taught him some choreography at a party and he tried to hug me afterward and I deliberately denied him. Everybody was standing around watching the two of us look like drunk fools and I was slowly turned on by his movements mimicing mine. I was doing a scene in the play direction class of which he's a member today. His laughter is infectious and I could feel the heat of his eyes on me continuously. I don't know if he's thinking about me the way that I've gotten to thinking about him but I'm horrified that he's on my mind. He's not a trustworthy guy, I know that he is not deserving of my energy. But somehow, he remains to be somewhat attractive. Some how, I'm sitting here wishing that he would reach out to me tonight.

The spring dance concert is this weekend and then only two more weeks before I go home. Only two more weeks before I can wash him out of my mind. Again.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

A day and then some.

OMG. Long time, no write.

Summary: Capone came to see me the week of Valentine's Day. It was a huge surprise albeit a bittersweet one. The week went well for awile but by the end of the week we were angry and fighting. We broke up and haven't talked since. I really think that this is the end this time. I miss him.

I'm glad that I was finally strong enough to break up with him and do what I needed to do in order to regain my independence and piece of mind.

He loved me and needed me more than I could handle. We were living in codependency and falling deeper into the trap with every second.

Ma, oh man. Whenever I talk about this my mood plummets. Maybe I should stop.

Dawn came to visit me the week before spring break. It was absolutely terrific. I can't believe that we've been friends since we were thirteen years old. Next time that we get together, we going to get a camcorder and have the entire weekend on tape.

Mr. Green Apron and I got together during break. We went to the mall so he could do his little photo shoot and we did lunch and we rode around to the park and we walked back to a picnic shelter and then we....ummm. It was lovely. I can't wait til I get to go home and reunite with mi amigo.

Naughty by Nature and 112 came to school for culture Jam last weekend. It was fun. (Love my specific and detailed use of the English language don't you?)

blah blah blah blah.

I'm tired and allergic and don't feel terrific.