AYo Technology

Why don't you get on top of me... love & live like a design student.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

The one that got away...?

Been a long time.

I'm back in Richmond, attending John Tyler for my associates in Graphic Design and then working toward my bachelor's in English. I'm hoping to open up a book publishing company. I'm tired, so there will be more details on that later.

Stopped talking to Mr. Green Apron and haven't heard a peep from Capone in the past few months. I can't say I'm particularly surprised; shit happens and happens more often when dealing with either one of those two. There is a guy who seems to want to hang on, though. Let's call him Dildo. It's a thinly veiled psuedonym but the one I'm going to stick with all the same. He has informed me that he has been having semi-regular dreams about him and I getting married. He has informed me that I am the only girl that he has still cared about after the breakup. We've been broken up for, I would say, about six years. I missed him as I talked to him and found myself all the sudden being back with him, falling back in love with him. I don't know.