AYo Technology

Why don't you get on top of me... love & live like a design student.

Sunday, February 25, 2007


I never update this thing, do I?

I think that I've given you an update in what's going on in my life right now. I'm just schooling and working, working and schooling. Things are pretty consistant and to tell you the truth, kind of boring. About the boys in my last entry:

Mr. Green Apron: We've gotten closer. I'm unsure of the status of our relationship but I don't thing that he is really that clear about where things are going either. We spent Valentine's Day together but it could have just been a fluke. I said somthing stupid to him though and he's mad and not speaking to me.

Capone: Chatted with him on the teephone. It was refreshing and easy. He has a girlfriend, he is happy and healthy and we had a good time catching up. He said that he is going to give me another call sometime.

Dildo: He moved back to richmond. He's here, we were wildly passionate for a minute, I told him that we needed to back up off of this and he took it hard but quickly rebounded and got himself a new girlfriend. hmm. How odd.

so those of the male persuasion are not really falling under my spell as of late. oh well. We all have our slumps.