AYo Technology

Why don't you get on top of me... love & live like a design student.

Thursday, November 22, 2007


Happy Thanksgiving, y'all.

I'm spending my time in the beautiful state of Georgia in LaGrange. Atlanta is the next biggest city around. I jetted off, rather rode off, into the sunset with a classmate of mine. We'll call him Little Man.

I can't think.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Anyone out there?

Good morning everyone! It's 4:50 in the am and I haven't slept in hours.

I'm not feeling particularly well as of late, some of it actual illness, more of it a tragic case of the monthlies.

I've become re-enamored (not a word, I'm sure) with the wonder of a fantastic computer. This summer was relatively computer free; I finally destroyed my Mac and was forced to rely on the family Dell and a prehistoric Compaq laptop. So I kind of boycotted the whole business instead. But now I am here in my very first apartment sitting at my very own kitchen table fiddling with my brand new MacBook Pro. It is sleek and sexy in the manner of all the Macs but this one takes it to the next level because of the software. Full Sail is amazing. They realize that in order to succeed in an industry driven by technology, you as the student need to have complete access to the technology. So, in addition to the computer, my tuition garnered me FINAL CUT STUDIO 2 and ADOBE CREATIVE SUITE 3 PROFESSIONAL! I'm talking Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, Flash (with Video Encoder), and InDesign. I actually welled up with tears as we watched a video they had put together to illustrate the capabilities of our software package. I haven't been this excited about any single oppurtunity since the first time I headed off to Denison.

I am finally coming in to my own. It's taken twenty two years and three different colleges but I think I've found myself. Finally.

I've been geeking it out hardcore lately. I am fascinated by Photoshop and my own image. I've done alot of crappy stuff and some good but I particularly like this one image:
I took the picture in Photobooth, so I did do a little cheat but I have to say, I'm pleased with the end result. My new friend and schoolmate, Aeon, insists that I work with pictures of me because I am just that conceited. But that's not it, I swear. I'm just easy and available. Kind of a camera ho.

Not to change the subject, but...

Speaking of being a ho, well not being a ho really because I'm not, but speaking of fornication, I am contemplating my next moves. Piano Man, or is he Music Man?, is delightfully tempting but Sparks is still my sweetie. I was on the phone with him and he was telling me that he couldn't wait until I got home for Christmas break. I responded in kind, telling him I was going crazy with the waiting. He said, "Wait for me. I hope you can wait for me." Wow. I don't know if he knows how he sounds when he says these things but he has a way of sending m into a tailspin. He's five years older than me but he really has such a sweet innocence about him. He's sexy and charming and sensitive and affectionate. He's a man but I always feel like I could scandalize him. I don't want to; I want to make this work. I'm trying to be a good girl. I'm trying to get rid of past behaviors and attitudes. I'm trying to be faithful in an open situation. But it's really damn hard.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Thursday, November 15, 2007


So wat had happened was....

I'm at Full Sail studying Digital Arts and Design! I will be the lucky owner of knowledge to surpass the knowledge of all others. Score.

But first, like usual, I must talk about the men in my life.

Capone: We had a nasty, nasty breakup. Leaving one to say, "You got back together?" Th answer is yes and the end game of that sitiuation landed me in the hospital. No more. Never again will you have to worry bout his nam on my lips.

Mr. Green Apron: We had a falling out and though he insists tat he is not actually mad at me but we haven't spoken to each other in months. It's ok though, the two of us equaled a giantic headache.

Dildo: He's still in Richmond. He's as crazy as he's ever been.

now to the new arrivals....

Sparks: He looks like Shane Sparks from "So You Think You Can Dance?" and moves even better. We met in my Tuesday hip hop class; he's the teacher. He's sexy and massively appealing, needless to say, I think I'm his favorite student.

Piano Man: I've actually known him for years but incidentally, we both ended up at Full Sail and we live right across the street from each other. He's a ton of fun and I'm looking forward to the time we're gonna spend together.

Ok, so Sparks and I began hanging out under kind of unfortunate circumsatnces. He had missed a couple of classes when I decided to email him and see what was up. He responded by informing me that his father had recently died of colon cancer. I of course, was shocked and devasted for him. I asked him if thee was anything that I cold do. He asked me what I was doing that weekend. We went out once and he've been talking ever since. That was about two months ago. I've been in Florida for almost a month. I miss him but naturally, there is going to be a cerain element of lonliness that sets in eventually. It's set in and set in hardcore. I've begun to get bit sick as a result of the stress and yesterday, when I was feeling particularly lonely, asked Piano man if he could bring me smething for my fever. He came over. We laughed. We joked. We composed a new dance form that operates with at least one person lying horizontally on a bed. The bed is where the problem comes in. We're playing on my bed, dancing and ouncing and then eventually laying still in each others arms. He goes home to change into some pjs. We get in to bed. We...I cooked him breakfast this morning.

There enlies my dilemna.

Adore them both.

Can I have them both?

I'm Changin'.

Whoa. New Schhol again. I'm in Orlando at Full Sail. It's great.

There's boys. but there's class. finish later