AYo Technology

Why don't you get on top of me... love & live like a design student.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Oh well.

Capone was supossed to call me today but no suck luck (?)

I was kind of looking forward to the oppurtunity to tell him that he couldn't jerk me around by ringing me up whenever the fancy struck him. I was looking forward to letting him know that I was completely over him. (Which I'm not.) I just wanted to verbally assert myself and he robbed me of the oppurtunity. Probably for the best anyway. I would have melted at the mere sound of his voice.

Dawn and I did some Christmas shopping today. I bought her a present. That's it. Hours of prowling the mall and I only end up giving to the chick who's standing next to me. Damn, I'm bad at this. Oh well. There's always tommorrow. And everyday after work....?

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


I wrote this entry earlier today:

It’s almost time for me to be hitting the road again. If everything works out, and I definitely think it will, then this time next month I will be back in the state of Ohio. And this time, no bullshitting. I’m going to be one of those damn overachievers everyone always seems to be going on about.

A little personal life drama though, unfortunately. Oddly enough, it revolves around Arielle. Normally, I try not to give over too much time thinking about her because she doesn’t take much time to think about me. But on the way to the office today, India was warbling sentimentally about something or other and the lyric, “just like you’d fight for your sister if you knew that somebody dissed her,” came floating out of the speakers.
“What a novel idea,” I thought. “Someone coming to their sister’s defense. People do that?!”

Yesterday, Arielle casually mentioned that there was a rumor going around Starbucks that I was crazy. Apparently Mr. Green Apron told a co-worker about the drama we were going through when we “broke up” and that guy ran and repeated it (with commentary) to Arielle. And you would think that if she heard someone spreading a rumor about her sibling that she would try to put an end to it, right? Seems like a natural enough reaction, right? But no, not dear old Arielle. She didn’t say a thing and doesn’t seem to comprehend why she should. I started off being mad at Mr. Green Apron but upon analysis transferred my energy in Arielle’s direction. I know she doesn’t seem to actually like me or have much respect for me but she is my sister. Obviously, kinship counts for less then I thought.

I deleted Mr. Green Apron’s number from my phone. A half hour after the deed was done, he called. I put his number back in. [He, at least, is honest and now understands why I don’t want to hear my name in some stranger’s mouth. He, at least, said he was going to talk to the guy. Mr. Green Apron has more respect and affection for me than my own sibling. But hey, that’s cool. I won’t have to see or talk to her for a few months when I go back to school. She doesn’t call ever so avoiding her will be pretty easy.] Back to Green Apron. He was returning my phone call. And he wanted to see me. Ely was gone for the day so the office was free and clear. I, knowing what my relationship with Mr. Green Apron is about and fueled with a desire to spite Arielle, agreed to roll through before I took my A-quality psychology final. I was still mad at him but obviously not enough to abstain from engaging in sexual activity with him. Needless to say, it was worth it. Mr. Green Apron is f-ing fantastic. He’s the best I’ve ever had and he reciprocates the sentiment. Can’t very well go and throw that kind of sexual compatibility out of the window because of a few character flaws, can you? The very idea sounds quite wrong and pointless to my twisted moral ear.

Just another day in the life.

But then this happened:

Capone called. Capone called my cell phone. I had been thinking about him, wanting him, willing him to contact me and he calls. The call came through while I was on the phone with my mother. I was sitting at my desk at work minding my own business when a foreign number showed up on my caller ID. I din't recognize the area code or anything so my curiousity go the best of me. The voice on the line sounded eerily but impossibly familiar. We didn't get to stay on the phone for very long but it was long enough for him to say that he loves me and he misses me. He's going to call again on Saturday.


Just when I thought that maybe I could put him behind me he comes back into my world. He's overseas and still has the power to make me want to drop everything so I can be with him. I'm in pain. As much as I wanted to hear from him, the sound of his voice makes me want to cry. I can't even comprehend what I'm supossed to do next. I don't know.

Monday, December 12, 2005

don't know.

It's a good feeling not to be depressed. One of the better feeling that I've had in my life actually.

I am now able to be sad but not have to sink into a feeling of despair.

Like right now I'm kind of sad. But just that regular kind of sad. It's almost a nice feeling.

Ok, that's done.

I was chatting with my darling Dawn and we got to talking about ex-boyfriends. When one gets to talking about exes, one gets to talking about Capone. Sure, Capone has gone back to Cape Verde, has been gone for months, but now for some reason, he's back on my brain. Thinking about him and thinking about us. I miss him in a way that hurts my heart. I want to see him and I want to talk to him and I want to have him back. Not back in the sense that I want him to be my boyfriend again but I wish I could have him back in my life. I know that this is an impossibility; I know that we cannot function in a relationship. But I want him.

It was with this feeling that I got in the car to see Mr. Green Apron. He's a guy I've been sort of kind of seeing for the past few months. We were getting along pretty well and then we weren't and then we were but not quite the same and now we've kind of settled into a type of casual situation. Mr. Green Apron works at the Starbucks down on Hull Street (hence the nickname) and he suggested that I meet him after work for a "chat." I needed to get out of the house and get some gas and whatnot anyway so I gave him a call. He had gotten off early and taken off without me. I became unnecessarily and irrationally upset when I learned that I wouldn't be able to see him. I needed--need--someone to hold me. I need that release, that comfort. I wish...oh jeez. Nevermind.