AYo Technology

Why don't you get on top of me... love & live like a design student.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Oh well.

Capone was supossed to call me today but no suck luck (?)

I was kind of looking forward to the oppurtunity to tell him that he couldn't jerk me around by ringing me up whenever the fancy struck him. I was looking forward to letting him know that I was completely over him. (Which I'm not.) I just wanted to verbally assert myself and he robbed me of the oppurtunity. Probably for the best anyway. I would have melted at the mere sound of his voice.

Dawn and I did some Christmas shopping today. I bought her a present. That's it. Hours of prowling the mall and I only end up giving to the chick who's standing next to me. Damn, I'm bad at this. Oh well. There's always tommorrow. And everyday after work....?


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