AYo Technology

Why don't you get on top of me... love & live like a design student.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Here's another one.

It's been a long time, I shouldn't have left you without a dope entry to read you.

A lot has gone on since we last spoke, here's a mini rundown:

Capone came to VA for a weekend and essentially went back to Boston to finish packing for his move back to Cape Verde. So that means the first love of my life, is gone. Oh well. Shit happens, right?

I have met someone else. His name is Mr. Green Apron and we've been dating for about a month but Monday, I went ahead and messed that all up by raving on and on about the state of our relationship. (But I would like to think that it is not wholly unreasonable to want to know what's going with us, right? I don't like friends with benefits man!)

I left Denison. I'm having a quarter life crisis of sorts. I'm most likely going back in the spring even though the thought of having to go back to Ohio semi-permanentely depresses me immensely.

That's a good enough summary of my life. I'm really supossed to be clearing out my room because we're getting new carpet in tomorrow but when have I ever been one to make sense? Besides, I needed some time to chill and watch a really good episode of Conan.


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