AYo Technology

Why don't you get on top of me... love & live like a design student.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Days are ummm.

I am so mentally worn out. It's absolutely insane. I'm spending so much time sleeping lately, I don't really know what to do. I wish that I could spend more time getting things together and climbing back on top of the heaping mess that is my life. Yuck, I shouldn't write when I am so gloom and doom.

I'm going to see Capone in a couple of weeks. The whole idea of being back with him scares and titillates me. I don't know what we're really getting ourselves into. There's been some love lost between us since the last time we had a fight. We talk occasionally, nothing close to the talking everyday type thing that we were doing. I don't call and he doesn't either. I guess we're just saving the conversation for the face-to-face variety.

My scene for directing doesn't seem to be getting off the ground. I really need to have these A's.....I'm so scared sometimes that I am not going to be able to get everything together before the end of the school year.

The last week was terrific, though.

My girl, Tim Tim crossed over into Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. I'm so proud.

We went to the club on Thursday. A whole bunch of kids from school. I did too much and Michelle Kwan (the ice skater!) was there. She partied with us like she knew us.

Talib Kweli was here on Saturday. Funny story: I was walking to Slayter when a van of people passing by honked at me. I saw that it was a van of black people so I waved back, figuring I knew them. The Culture Jam staff was setting up and preparing for Talib's sound check so I went inside and had a little chat with some of my friends on staff. Vicky was joking on me and called me a groupie. I protested. Just then, Talib and his people walk in from the parking garage. I say "hey, thanks for coming to our school" and he says "No problem. Thank you for having me" and walks on by. The last guy says to me, "We saw you coming over here?" I laugh. "Oh yeah?" "Yeah we were the ones in the van." D, who was driving the van, chirps up, "They asked me who you were. And I said, 'Oh, that's Kerri.'" After they all leave, V Carter turns to me and says, "See? Groupie." LOL.

Talib was fantastic, by the way. Not trying to sound like a groupie or anything.


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