AYo Technology

Why don't you get on top of me... love & live like a design student.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Mr. T

A Phi A and Marty were here this weekend.

I had no idea what a huge crush I had on A Phi. It's ridiculous. I giggled at him.

He fed my crush everytime I saw him. I recieved lots of hugs and compliments. He misses me. Sigh.

He's 26, 7 years older than me. That's not that bad, really. I do think both of us are preoccupied with our age difference. We joke about it all the time. Last summer when we worked together, we would go out to lunch sometimes. The chinese food place across the way was a common spot. The hostess there insisted that I was his girlfriend and upon his denial demanded to know why he hadn't taken me out yet. "She's 18!" he cried. As if my youth was the only thing keeping him away.
I'm almost 20 now...

I told him that he should come visit more often as I rested my head on his shoulder. Yeah, he said.

Oh A Phi, how I adore thee...


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