AYo Technology

Why don't you get on top of me... love & live like a design student.

Thursday, April 28, 2005


Tomorrow I will be in Providence, Rhode Island.

Tomorrow I will be back with Capone.

I drowned my cellphone, though. So I will be in Rhode Island without a cell.

I'm terribly, terribly nervous about the whole situation. I don't particularly know why...I just have trouble dealing with situations that are completely out of my hands as this is. I hope to God that he remembers to pick me up on time and to get a hotel and to do all of those crucial things that he needs to do before I arrive.

This weekend will be the ultimate test of our relationship. I want to know where things are going and if things are going nowhere I don't want to be the last to know.

I'm ready. (I hope.)

Saturday, April 23, 2005

and he's a scorpio, of course.

You should be dating a Scorpio.
23 October - 21 November
Your mate is passionately caring, dynamic and
sensual. Though he or she can be
self-destructive, ruthless or overbearing, the
scorpion's sex life involves releasing his/her
most pent-up passions.

What Zodiac Sign Are You Attracted To?
brought to you by Quizilla

Monday, April 18, 2005


With all of the "crushing" I've been doing lately, I've still managed to nearly get myself married.

I was talking to Capone and we were whining back and forth about missing each other. I said, "Why don't we just get married?" and he said, "We'll doit when you come down." [Which FYI is in a couple of weeks.]


"Yeah, if that's what you want."

All I could say was wow. Over and over again.

I don't know what to do and/or think.

I can't get married. I'm 19. I'm im college. What would I tell my parents?!

But my boyfriend wants to marry me...

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Mr. T

A Phi A and Marty were here this weekend.

I had no idea what a huge crush I had on A Phi. It's ridiculous. I giggled at him.

He fed my crush everytime I saw him. I recieved lots of hugs and compliments. He misses me. Sigh.

He's 26, 7 years older than me. That's not that bad, really. I do think both of us are preoccupied with our age difference. We joke about it all the time. Last summer when we worked together, we would go out to lunch sometimes. The chinese food place across the way was a common spot. The hostess there insisted that I was his girlfriend and upon his denial demanded to know why he hadn't taken me out yet. "She's 18!" he cried. As if my youth was the only thing keeping him away.
I'm almost 20 now...

I told him that he should come visit more often as I rested my head on his shoulder. Yeah, he said.

Oh A Phi, how I adore thee...

Thursday, April 14, 2005


I have a crush on a boy just because. I'm not that attracted to him but I like flirting with him and I like that he is attracted to me. In my favorite recipe for disaster, he said he might stop by tonight and I said ok.

In terms of girlfriends I can be equated to that bad kid who you have to keep your eye on because they require constant attention.

Let me please remember that I am FRIENDS with this kid....

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Days are ummm.

I am so mentally worn out. It's absolutely insane. I'm spending so much time sleeping lately, I don't really know what to do. I wish that I could spend more time getting things together and climbing back on top of the heaping mess that is my life. Yuck, I shouldn't write when I am so gloom and doom.

I'm going to see Capone in a couple of weeks. The whole idea of being back with him scares and titillates me. I don't know what we're really getting ourselves into. There's been some love lost between us since the last time we had a fight. We talk occasionally, nothing close to the talking everyday type thing that we were doing. I don't call and he doesn't either. I guess we're just saving the conversation for the face-to-face variety.

My scene for directing doesn't seem to be getting off the ground. I really need to have these A's.....I'm so scared sometimes that I am not going to be able to get everything together before the end of the school year.

The last week was terrific, though.

My girl, Tim Tim crossed over into Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. I'm so proud.

We went to the club on Thursday. A whole bunch of kids from school. I did too much and Michelle Kwan (the ice skater!) was there. She partied with us like she knew us.

Talib Kweli was here on Saturday. Funny story: I was walking to Slayter when a van of people passing by honked at me. I saw that it was a van of black people so I waved back, figuring I knew them. The Culture Jam staff was setting up and preparing for Talib's sound check so I went inside and had a little chat with some of my friends on staff. Vicky was joking on me and called me a groupie. I protested. Just then, Talib and his people walk in from the parking garage. I say "hey, thanks for coming to our school" and he says "No problem. Thank you for having me" and walks on by. The last guy says to me, "We saw you coming over here?" I laugh. "Oh yeah?" "Yeah we were the ones in the van." D, who was driving the van, chirps up, "They asked me who you were. And I said, 'Oh, that's Kerri.'" After they all leave, V Carter turns to me and says, "See? Groupie." LOL.

Talib was fantastic, by the way. Not trying to sound like a groupie or anything.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

carrie is me.

Which Sex and the City Player Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Gay Bear?!

Gay Bear
Gay Bear

Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

I swear, I am not a lesbian. I like boys. I FUCK boys. Why is my sexuality being questioned everyday all of the sudden?! Whew, Kerri. Bring it back. It's only a quiz.

Oh, and I'm getting ready to go see Sil in a couple weeks.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Gonna be a lovely day

Doing the damn thing yet again.

Here I am sitting outside of my place of employ because Agape uses the space til God knows when every Tuesday night. Fortunately no one is actually going to show up now or ever so it really doesn't quite matter to me if they ever leave. Excepting the fact that I want some tea and the cup and the sugar are in the center. Oh well. No skin off of my ass.

We had the first annual Tipsy Tequila Tuesday today. Whew, that sure as hell was a doozy. Who besides me and Jules would think consuming piƱa coladas on a tuesday afternoon was a good idea?

I got Paving the Way Orientation ambassador this year also. Basically, if you intend to see me at all this summer then you need to get off your ass and get to Granville, Ohio 'cuz this bitch is mine this summer. The beautiful weather today reminded me why I liked this joint in the first place and made me reflect on just how fabulous it can be in the summer. Fabulous- just me, my car, money and Easton. And the reason I got the grant in the first place- research. Yeah yeah. I'm trying to remember what's important here.

Love is important here. And friendship. And family. And 3300 dollar paychecks from your school.